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Tickeron Key Takeaways

  • Tickeron is an interactive marketplace providing AI-driven trading tools. 💼
  • They aim to make AI-driven analytics accessible to a broad user base. 📊
  • One-on-one sessions and video manuals are available for support. 🎥
  • Users can choose their trading style and receive product recommendations. 🔄
  • Tickeron offers subscription plans for different trading styles and customization options. 💰
  • They provide various tools like AI Robots, AI Screener, AI Real-Time Patterns (RTP), Paper Trades, collaborator features, trader clubs, and a paper trade exchange. 🛠️
  • Tickeron offers delegator services for users who want to delegate the management of their money. 💰


Tickeron is an AI-driven marketplace offering trading tools and analytics for investors. Their platform includes AI Robots, Real-Time Patterns, Paper Trades, and personalized support for different trading styles.